Monday, October 29, 2007

Rats has been uploaded to our films page

It is finally here! Enjoy the fantastical fantasy of faux fur: RATS!

Friday, August 10, 2007

Bird Island is done!

Bird Island is finally complete. You can watch it: HERE

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Bird Island

Will's shooting a music video!

Saturday, January 13, 2007


Time to re-evaluate my goals that i posted when I first got here:

Here are some goals:
Short term
1) I want to write everyday. (check)
2) I want to work out three times a week. (nope)
3) I want to make more film contacts. (check)

1) I want a job in the film or television industry. (not really)
2) I want to make enough money to be able to save a little each month. (I do have a savings account, but there aint much in it.)
3) I want to have a film team that I trust. (Rene, Jocelyn, Blake, Akira, Kim, Lance, etc. check)

Long term
1) I want to have a feature length project ready to pitch to the studios. (working on it)
2) I want to know how to pitch to a major studio. (no idea)
3) I want to be making a living working on movie or television sets. (not even close)

Monday, December 04, 2006

Morton's Steak House

I recently dined at Morton's, one of the finest steakhouses in Hollywood. It was a gift to my sister for housing me during the two months where I struggled to find a place to live. My sister and I dressed up in our finest, Alison in some designer black dress and me with an orange button down shirt and black tie. We walked in without reservations and got a seat in the middle of the restaurant.

Our waiter arrived pushing a cart with lobster, steak, crab and other fine dining cuisine. Then, after he told us the specials, he leaned in close and whispered, "You see that blond woman in the back? That's Jessica Simpson." The waiter said it in such a way as to be both impressed with himself and sexually hungry. Loosely translated, "Did you know CELEBRITIES come here? Yes, CELEBRITIES. I would definitely like to ride the skin bus to tuna town with that one." I agreed and ordered the cheapest thing I could find on the menu. I believe it was glorified macaroni and cheese, costing no less than twenty dollars.

Alison and I, not wanting to be outdone by CELEBRITIES, enjoyed ourselves immensely by making fun of each other, making fun of other people, and telling silly stories about nothing. Boisterous laughter ensued and we received more than a couple looks from the CELEBRITY table.

After dinner I needed to relieve myself. I headed to the bathroom and happened to pass by Jessica Simpson's table. Not wanting to seem over eager I tried my hardest not to look, but on the way out I caught her eye and gave her a wink. I was too embarrassed to look back at her table after that and see her reaction, but hey, at least I can say, at that moment, that maybe I made Jessica Simpson feel a little something for the boy in an orange button down and black tie. Then we finished our meal and left.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Pyramid Scheme

I think I got myself involved in one. I'll let you know how it turns out. In the meantime, let me tell you about a wonderful opportunity...

Oh, and did I say someone shit in my car? I meant shit ON my car. Literally, someone took a dump on my car then smeared it around with newspaper. Sigh.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Forged on the Anvil of Necessity

I have applied to 10 jobs a day, every day, for the last week. I have heard only 3 responses. No, no, and maybe. I got a fifty dollar ticket, my old boss chewed me out for being an idiot, and someone took a shit in my car. It's just the bad before the good, right? RIGHT?